Lazik story

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Since I can remember, my vision has always been blurred. Not just blurred but they have caused me to have migraines since I was six years old. I came to the decision a few months ago that I would finally get lazik surgery to correct my vision. This was something I've been thinking of doing for a while but after focusing on how much of my life was being effected by my bad vision, I decided it was time.

I used to be able to wear contact lenses until about a year ago when my eyes just decided they no longer liked having them in. After an hour my eyes would get scratchy and sore and I'd get a headache. Now glasses actually suit me so it wasn't a cosmetic decision either. What I realised is if I was outside after a while I'd get a headache from the glare, exercise is just horrible with glasses and swimming is out of the question.

So that's that.

Two of my coworkers have both had the surgery and by the same doctor. They both spoke very highly of him and so with two good experiences I decided it was worth it to drive 40km from home to see him. Dr Novis was one of the friendliest people I've ever met. I was nervous at the initial consultation because I couldn't bare the idea of being told I couldn't have it done, but after meeting him I was put at ease. He put me through various tests and told me I was an ideal candidate. This made my day as you can imagine. So it was set, one and a half weeks later, I would have the surgery.

Fast forward to Monday night, the night before the surgery. Until this point I wasn't terribly nervous. About 18:00 while leaving  the office it finally hit me. This would be the last time I leave the office with my glasses on. I stopped off to get dinner, went home and watched a little tv. All the while my stomach started to become knotted. I decided to have a bath to try and relax a little bit. After that, I went to sleep. I struggled to sleep until eventually I drifted off. I got woken up several times by the dogs barking and my husband coming home late from work. I then couldn't go back to sleep. The nerves had gotten to me. My stomach became upset and a mild headache started. This is something new to me. If you know me, you know I'm not that kind of person. I can only think back to three other times in my 26 years on this earth that I felt so nervous. First when I was awaiting my matric results, when I was getting my drivers licence and when I was so excited/nervous for my trip to Thailand.

I finally feel asleep for about an hour before the alarm went off to get up. At this time you can  imagine how awful I felt. We get ready and got in the car. The traffic at 6AM on this particular road is dangerous so it was a nerve wrecking trip to the hospital. We got there early so decided to drive around looking for some coffee. The first couple places coffee looked terrible. We settled on KFCS coffee. I'll never eat there again based on recent news of the fast food chain but I thought the coffee would be safe. I was wrong. So gross.

We drove back to the hospital for check in. Painless enough. The doctor had left all his patients files at the front so we didn't have to stand in a queue but just wait for our names to be called.

I got into my hospital outfit and waited some more. They took my vitals and I had a final test before the operation. I was so nervous at this point. I told Dr Novis and he calmed me down. He's very good at doing that.

Time for my operation. I didn't know what to expect but I was happy to see that I would be lying down. The nurse disinfected in face and told me not to touch it again. The doctor put numbing drops in my eyes. Here we go.

Although you can't feel anything you can see, smell and hear it all. Once the doctor cut the lense, cool liquid ran down my face. It's the liquid from the eyeball. Weird but I sort of thought it would happen. My vision from time to time would go completely black. Dr Novis knew at what point this would happen and spoke me through that time letting me know it was completely normal.

When the laser started, it gave me a fright. On the first eye I didn't move but the second one I did and the machine turned off. I tried really hard to not move by digging my nail into one of my fingers to try distract myself.

The laser burning my eye made such a gross smell. I'd liken it to burnt hair. I think that smell may bug me for a while.

Dr Novis cleaned out my eye, put back the flap and I'm not sure what it was, an eye glue of some kind, and used what looked like a paint brush to push it all over my eye. They put very attractive protective covers over my eyes and sent me to the waiting room to close my eyes and have a cup of tea.

I went back into his office, he checked to make sure the flaps were still in place, which they were, and I was done.

My husband drove me home. I climbed into bed quite tired from the lack of sleep the night before and the whole mornings activity. He woke me up a few hours later, gave me food and some painkillers and I listened to an audio book. I feel asleep again and woke up this morning.

Though my eyes were slightly caked in who knows what, I knew immediately I could see better than I have ever been able to see. I put my medicated eye drops in and now I am sitting in wonder. They clarity is amazing and it'll only get better over the next few weeks.

So what is happening now?
My eyes are sore. It feels like there's something in it and I cannot rub my eyes or I may open the flaps so I'm trying to keep them moisturised.
My eyes are red. To be expected but it doesn't look attractive I must say!
I feel tired. I think because my eyes are sore and tired it's making me want to sleep

For the next week I'll be taking 2 different drops 3 times a day and moisture drops as frequently as I can. I cannot rub my eyes for at least 2 months. What this means is that I'll be sleeping in those very attractive eye protectors for a couple of weeks. Yay! They aren't terribly uncomfortable fortunately.

I have a check up tomorrow and Saturday.  I think everything will come up hundreds.

Thinking of having the surgery and have an questions? Let me know. I'm happy to answer them.


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