Preview of things to come!

17:52 Unknown 0 Comments

Hello! The photo I've included in this post is the beginning of what I hope will be a fun adventure through vlogging! For those of you who don't know what a vlog is, it's a video blog.

So the photo is a preview of the intro title for the vlog. But why a vlog you may ask? Well, I've enjoyed writing about the various things I've bought and testing them out and trying to find the possible bugs, but it's very limiting to explain certain things. For instance, I wanted to write about the new GoPro I got at the beginning of December and all the accessories and tips and tricks, but writing about this will be long and probably confusing for the reader. So why not just vlog about it? Exactly! And since I know a few things about filming and editing, why not try giving some tips to newbies who are interested in getting started?

Now I probably will come across far more annoying on film (yes, that's possible) but it's going to be fun for me to make them and I hope fun and informative to watch. I'll accompany a blog post for the vlogs I film as well.

Until then!

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