It's my blog, I'll bitch if I want to

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I am one of those people who have had an iPhone for the last couple years but then my hubby got the Samsung Note 4 and I really saw the benefit it could bring to my professional life. So I bit the bullet and upgraded my contract with Vodacom Killarney on 01/04/2015.

Out the box the camera, fingerprint and heart-rate monitor sensors were all either broken or working intermittently and the battery was draining on the same settings as Bernard's at a rate of 8 to 1 (8% compared to 1% Bernard's lost doing the same thing on the same settings). I immediately put it back in the box and because of the public holiday, I could only take it back on the Saturday (day 3) well within the 7 day return period.

I met with the tech guy there, who is nice enough, but he treated me like a dumb blonde who doesn't understand that using the phone will make the battery drain etc Bernard's phone was with and only when he saw the identical photos taken with the same settings, light etc he could see the camera sensor wasn't working. Okay, so he has to send it to head office to be evaluated before he can give me a new one. I was pretty sure that the standard in SA is if you take it back within 7 days, they give you a new one if you can prove it's broken out the box.

I get a phone call this morning (11 days later) and he says that head office has rejected the fault and it's being sent back to Killarney because he (the tech) thinks they didn't understand what he was saying was wrong with it. I cannot believe how awful their service is. I went to Samsung in Cresta who said that they couldn't help me even if they wanted to.

I am now stuck without my new phone for at least another 7-9 days, probably going to receive the old one back because Vodacom's technical staff is too stupid to go through a phone and find the faults and they obviously found a 7 day loophole in the consumers act.

It's harder to prove battery and sensor issues over a blog post but here is a photo comparison between my husband's and my Note 4.

Basically, in my opinion I made a mistake by switching away from iPhone. Yes, it doesn't have the s pen and s pen software, but I've never had an issue with my iPhones in the past and if I did I could have taken it to any iStore and they would have helped me immediately.

Okay, bitch session over, I'll go back to being happy :)

I am still waiting on the LED lights for the fireplace, hopefully it'll arrive soon and then I can finish off the fireplace :)


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