Android FTP access
Cords! Cords! Cords! I don't like them, I don't carry them, they are annoying and I lose them. I never have them when I need them, like today. Today is my last day at my current company before I join an exciting new adventure. On my current PC, I have a few songs that I like to listen to. I could upload them to Dropbox or my Google Drive but surely there is an easier way to send them directly to my phone.I did a little Googling and found that an FTP server can be setup on your Android device and you could access it as if it were a normal FTP server without rooting the phone. Sweet!
I tried a few that worked so-so and then I found one that was really easy and works like a charm. I'm going to show you how to setup that one.
Go to your Google Play store on your phone and download this one:
Port: I left as is. You can select your own one if you'd like.
Passive ports: I left as is.
Anonymous user: I un-ticked. If people should be on my phone, I'll give them the password.
Username: Select one.
User password: Select one.
Home directory: I ticked root.
Read only: I un-ticked.
Show hidden files: I un-ticked.
Energy save mode: I un-ticked.
High priority service: I un-ticketed.
Show serer details: I ticked.
After you do all of that you can click the back button on your phone (my Note has a dedicated one) and click the red power button so it turns green. It'll give you the FTP address, username and password. The one in the photo above is the standard information, yours and mine will be different.
Now you can go to your pc, click on a folder like this one "My Documents", and in the address bar put in the info as shown on your device.
Now you can access your phone from any computer.