Part Three

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Soehnle Body Balance Shape F4 Bathroom Scale

"Body analysis scale with athlete mode for active athletes. The scale automatically recognises up to 8 persons immediately upon stepping on the scale; it determines body weight, body fat and water content as well as muscle mass. The measured body values will be evaluated and interpreted immediately.
Symbols offer concise action recommendations.
(e.g. muscle growth training is being recommend)."

I may not like what it tells me now, but it certainly helps to plan where you want to be and how to get there. I like that it is super accurate. I can weigh myself before a meal and after and it will tell me exactly how much of a difference it made including how much fluid I drank!

I must admit I am not really a fan of scales. I think they generally only make you feel bad and not really set you in the right direction. I have a national Virgin Active membership and so when I weigh myself on their scales there can be up to 4 kg discrepancy between clubs. So the need for an accurate scale in getting active, fit and losing weight is actually as much as my Polar watch telling me how many calories I've burnt and the percentage of fat burnt.

What I like about this scale is that it not only breaks down my weight into specific groups (fat, water and muscle), it tells me how I fit into my ideal ranges and based on that it recommends what I can do to improve those ratings. For example, eat less, exercise more, drink more/less etc. Pretty darn impressive!

I've only had the scale for a couple of days so I'll update this once I've used the scale for a couple of weeks and if in conjunction with gyming and cycling more it really makes a difference. I'll even include a starting and up-to-that-point picture. Maybe ;)


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