Creme Brulee

18:18 Unknown 0 Comments

I love crème brulee. Cracking the hard caramelised layer and underneath is a lovely baked vanilla custard, and then the two mixing together in your mouth to create a brilliant soft and crunchy desert. Mmm!

Here is my recipe for four and easy, fail-safe crème brulee. (4 ramekins)
4 egg yolks
40 ml granulated sugar
250 ml cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Caster sugar

You’ll need to preheat your oven to 180 degrees and have your rack on the middle shelf.
Slowly add the 40 mls of sugar to the 4 egg yolks. Mix well. Once combined, add the cream and vanilla extract and mix well again.
Divide the mixture between the four ramekins.
Fill a baking tray with water. About 3 cm high and put the ramekins in the water. Put in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Once cooked, refrigerate for two hours at least.
Sprinkle a little caster sugar onto the top of the custard and use a kitchen blow-torch to burn the sugar.

You can add fresh fruit to the top to garnish if serving for guests. OR! You can use another kind of extract if you want to try something new. Mocha for instance.


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